Brian Pagán,工程学博士,理学硕士,荷兰阿姆斯特丹设计师
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Brian Pagán, EngD, MSc

Verified Expert  in Design


Amsterdam, Netherlands
Toptal Member Since
June 7, 2019

Brian is a US ex-pat working as a human experience designer focused on healthcare, sustainability, fintech, and IoT. For 20 years, 布莱恩帮助像飞利浦这样的创业公司和企业, ING, Land Life Company, and WaitWhat turn innovation strategies into award-winning products and services. 他的专长包括原型设计、行为设计和用户体验策略. 布莱恩在12个国家做过演讲和研讨会. His first book, The Creative Empathy Field Guide, is available in ebook and paperback.


Work Experience


2022 - PRESENT
  • Co-created digital strategy and online touchpoints for tourism companies in Croatia and Slovenia.
  • Facilitated a company strategy session with Infosit's executive team on location.
  • Designed the MVP of Valamar's new booking interface for flight and hotel packages.
  • Created the brand positioning and identity for Infosit's digital experience platform.
  • Conducted a Creative Empathy workshop at Infosit's 2022 team-building retreat.
Technologies: Figma, zeroheight, HTML5, Design Systems, Strategy, Web App Design, User Experience (UX), Lean UX, Workshops, Human-centered Design (HCD), Human Interface Design, Human Factors, Concept Development, Conversational UX, Conversational Interfaces


2016 - PRESENT
The Greatness Studio
  • Founded and engaged an invite-only community of more than 100 UX professionals.
  • Assisted a range of clients, including Unilever, UCB, Vodafone-Ziggo, ING, Exact, and Land Life Company.
  • 举办超过50个工作坊及讲座. 指导过12名个人和21家创业公司.
  • 开发了七个新的设计工具,用于以同理心为中心的道德创新.
  • Performed design and field research for three renewable energy and waste management projects.
技术:最小可行产品(MVP), Behavioral Design, Privacy, Internet of Things (IoT), Mobile UX, Rapid Prototyping, Data Visualization, Mobile App Design, MVP Design, Mobile Design, Personas, Journey Mapping, Prototyping, Wireframing, User Flows, Information Architecture (IA), User Experience (UX), UX Design, Web Design, Value Proposition Design, Lean Startups, Miro, Slack, Adobe Premiere Pro, Adobe Illustrator, Axure, Notion, Framer X, InVision, ProtoPie, Figma, Sketch, Cross-platform UX, Healthcare, Conversational UX, Storytelling, Interviewing, User Interviews, Copywriting, Content Creation, Design Systems, Accessibility, Web App UI, Web App Design, User Interface (UI), Applications, Logo Design, User Journeys, User Journey Maps, IA Strategy, User Research, B2B, Workshop Facilitation, Ideation Workshops, UX Workshops, Product Design, UX Strategy, Interaction Design (IxD), Digital Product Design, Usability Testing, High-fidelity Mockups, High-fidelity Prototypes, Human-centered Design (HCD), Human Interface Design, Mobile UI, Mobile Apps, Human Factors, Customer Research, Concept Development, Conversational Interfaces


2022 - 2022
IFRC Solferino Academy
  • Worked with talented youth innovators for the Solferino Academy's Limitless program.
  • 指导乌干达红十字会的Dativa Nuwashaba团队.
  • Coached the team on a video prototype of their gender-based violence response service.
  • 我们队是总共60支队伍中的10支获胜者之一.


2022 - 2022
  • 在通信与多媒体设计专业指导11名本科生.
  • 帮助每个学生驾驭以人为本的设计过程.
  • 促进与每个队列的小组会议,以培养合作文化.
  • Encouraged students to think beyond the screen via journey mapping and research.
  • Gave micro-workshops to help students expand their creative boundaries and knowledge.
  • Fostered a safe space for students to embrace discomfort and bring their whole selves to work.
Technologies: Coaching, UX Design, Web Design, Mobile App Design, University Teaching, Human-centered Design (HCD), Human Interface Design, Mobile UI, Mobile Apps, Human Factors, Customer Research, Concept Development, Conversational UX, Conversational Interfaces


2022 - 2022
Avrio Parking
  • Designed the touchscreen interface for entry and exit terminals at Avrio car parks in high fidelity.
  • Simplified the first-use flow for onboarding in the MVP Avrio Parking mobile app.
  • Created high-fidelity designs for administrators for Avrio's MVP control center web app.
  • Conducted semi-structured interviews with the founders to gather requirements.
  • Maintained a living app map, showing the control center's screens and app states.
Technologies: Figma, Design Systems, React Native, zeroheight, Mobile App Design, Web App Design, Requirements Analysis, Interviewing, Visual Design, Product Design, User Experience (UX), UX Design, Human-centered Design (HCD), Human Interface Design, Mobile UI, Mobile Apps, Human Factors, Concept Development, Conversational Interfaces


2021 - 2022
  • Guided the UX strategy on Tipbox's MVP apps for film and TV production management.
  • Mapped the main characters, their customer journey, requirements, and UX principles.
  • Performed an initial UX review, resulting in 34 findings and recommendations for improvement.
  • Set up an alpha test panel with 14 industry professionals for two rounds of UX research.
  • 创建了以研究为基础的系统人格, including creative guidelines to bring it to life in the mobile and web apps.
Technologies: UX Research, UX Analysis, Prototyping, Visual Design, Web App Design, Mobile App Design, Personas, Journey Mapping, Human-centered Design (HCD), Human Interface Design, Mobile UI, Mobile Apps, Human Factors, Customer Research, Concept Development, Conversational UX, Conversational Interfaces


2020 - 2021
  • Researched and designed the Masters of Scale Courses mobile app, from strategy to UI.
  • 从端到端设计并研究配套的CMS web应用程序.
  • 通过行为设计和游戏化创造用户粘性策略.
  • Crafted interactive mobile and web app prototypes from low-fidelity to high-fidelity stages of design.
  • 共同创建了我们的功能路线图和白标平台战略.
  • 对36名参与者的测试小组进行滚动研究.
Technologies: Mobile App Design, Content Strategy, Rapid Prototyping, Behavioral Design, UX Research, Agile, Asana, Adobe CC, Figma, iOS, Android, Cross-platform UX, MVP Design, Product Design, Minimum Viable Product (MVP), UI Design, Conversational UX, Storytelling, User Interface (UI), Interviewing, User Interviews, User Experience (UX), Copywriting, Content Creation, Design Systems, Motion Design, Accessibility, Web App Design, Applications, Logo Design, User Journeys, User Journey Maps, IA Strategy, User Research, B2B, Workshop Facilitation, Ideation Workshops, UX Workshops, UX Strategy, Interaction Design (IxD), Cognitive Psychology, Digital Product Design, Usability Testing, High-fidelity Mockups, High-fidelity Prototypes, Human-centered Design (HCD), Human Interface Design, Mobile UI, Mobile Apps, Human Factors, Customer Research, Concept Development, Conversational Interfaces

Strategic UX Designer (Freelance)

2020 - 2021
  • Defined and designed the MVP (minimum viable product) for a holistic KYC customer viewer.
  • 进行用户体验和可用性研究,包括涉众访谈.
  • 映射的需求、角色配置文件、用户体验旅程和流程.
  • 制作MVP web应用的原型,并与用户和利益相关者进行验证.
  • 提供UI设计文档和产品特性路线图.
  • 编写并制作了一个动画视频,解释ING的全球KYC战略.
技术:最小可行产品(MVP), Privacy, Rapid Prototyping, Data Visualization, Personas, Journey Mapping, Prototyping, Wireframing, User Flows, Information Architecture (IA), User Experience (UX), UX Design, Web Design, MVP Design, Stakeholder Management, Fintech, InVision, Sketch, Web App UX, Product Design, UX Research, UI Design, Storytelling, User Interface (UI), Interviewing, User Interviews, Copywriting, Content Creation, Design Systems, Web App UI, Web App Design, Applications, User Journeys, User Journey Maps, IA Strategy, User Research, B2B, Workshop Facilitation, Ideation Workshops, UX Workshops, UX Strategy, Interaction Design (IxD), Digital Product Design, Usability Testing, High-fidelity Mockups, High-fidelity Prototypes, Human-centered Design (HCD), Human Interface Design, Human Factors, Customer Research, Concept Development

UX Lead (Freelance, Remote)

2019 - 2019
Land Life Company
  • Overhauled the UX and UI design for our customer portal and reforestation dashboard.
  • Created a simple design system based on the brand's existing visual identity.
  • Facilitated ideation and product strategy workshops with key stakeholders and web developers.
  • 创建交互原型,并将其用于可用性测试.
  • Designed and delivered new icon sets for different weather types and categories of trees.
  • 管理我们重新设计项目的UX轨道的规划和交付.
Technologies: Framer X, Framer Prototyping, Project Management, UX Design, Product Design, Web App UX, Web App UI, Web App Design, Visual Design, Design Systems, Accessibility, User Interface (UI), Applications, User Journeys, User Journey Maps, Carbon, IA Strategy, User Research, B2B, Workshop Facilitation, Ideation Workshops, UX Workshops, UX Strategy, Interaction Design (IxD), Digital Product Design, Usability Testing, High-fidelity Mockups, High-fidelity Prototypes, Human-centered Design (HCD), Human Interface Design, Concept Development

Project UX Director (Freelance)

2019 - 2019
Code d'Azur
  • 为Polestar制作并记录用户体验策略.com.
  • 与战略、技术和创意总监一起定义MVP路线图.
  • 为整个生态系统设计和原型化元级导航.
  • 促进与客户利益相关者的共同创造研讨会.
  • 在多个Scrum团队中指导四名UX设计师.
技术:最小可行产品(MVP), Behavioral Design, Rapid Prototyping, MVP Design, Personas, Journey Mapping, Prototyping, Wireframing, User Flows, Information Architecture (IA), User Experience (UX), UX Design, Web Design, Co-design, Sketch, InVision, Coaching, UX Strategy, Web App UX, User Interface (UI), User Journeys, User Journey Maps, IA Strategy, Workshop Facilitation, Ideation Workshops, UX Workshops, Interaction Design (IxD), Digital Product Design, Human-centered Design (HCD), Human Interface Design, Concept Development

Strategic UX Designer (Freelance)

2019 - 2019
  • 设计了新的养老金管理服务“人力资本规划师”的MVP.
  • 以新的模式和原则拓展NN的品牌设计体系.
  • Implemented Agile processes across six business, design, and development teams.
  • Delivered interaction, visual designs, and prototypes for three B2B pension web apps.
  • Coached informally design professionals to help elevate UX maturity within the organization.
技术:最小可行产品(MVP), Privacy, Rapid Prototyping, Data Visualization, MVP Design, Personas, Journey Mapping, Prototyping, Wireframing, User Flows, Information Architecture (IA), User Experience (UX), UX Design, Web Design, Jira, GitLab, ProtoPie, InVision, Sketch, Product Design, UX Research, UI Design, User Interface (UI), Interviewing, User Interviews, Copywriting, Content Creation, Design Systems, Accessibility, Web App UI, Web App Design, Applications, User Journeys, User Journey Maps, IA Strategy, User Research, B2B, Workshop Facilitation, Ideation Workshops, UX Workshops, UX Strategy, Interaction Design (IxD), Cognitive Psychology, Digital Product Design, Usability Testing, High-fidelity Mockups, High-fidelity Prototypes, Human-centered Design (HCD), Human Interface Design, Mobile UI, Human Factors, Customer Research, Concept Development

UX Lead (Remote, Freelance)

2017 - 2018
  • 围绕聊天UI设计MaxData区块链产品的MVP.
  • 为我们的B2B和B2C价值主张创建端到端旅程流程.
  • Designed the information architecture and human interactions for the web and mobile apps.
  • Delivered two journey maps, 92 wireframes, three prototypes, and detailed specifications.
  • Conducted research about blockchain, utility services, 和电信来阐明我们的商业目标.
技术:最小可行产品(MVP), Behavioral Design, Privacy, Mobile UX, Rapid Prototyping, Data Visualization, Mobile App Design, MVP Design, Mobile Design, Personas, Journey Mapping, Prototyping, Wireframing, User Flows, Information Architecture (IA), User Experience (UX), UX Design, Web Design, Blockchain, InVision, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Experience Design (XD), Axure RP Pro, iOS, Android, Web App UX, Cross-platform UX, Conversational UX, Storytelling, User Interface (UI), Interviewing, User Interviews, Copywriting, Content Creation, Accessibility, Web App UI, Web App Design, Applications, User Journeys, User Journey Maps, IA Strategy, User Research, Product Design, UX Strategy, Interaction Design (IxD), Digital Product Design, Usability Testing, High-fidelity Mockups, High-fidelity Prototypes, Human-centered Design (HCD), Human Interface Design, Mobile UI, Mobile Apps, Human Factors, Concept Development, Conversational Interfaces


2013 - 2017
  • 参与30多个项目,获得4个设计奖.
  • 使用敏捷和精益创业MVP方法推出了14个web和移动产品.
  • 在GDPR出台前几年,开创了基于隐私设计的移动应用模式.
  • Co-founded the Persuasive Design Lab as a competence center for digital health coaching.
  • Co-authored mobile app design system guidelines as part of a global rebranding.
技术:最小可行产品(MVP), Behavioral Design, Privacy, Internet of Things (IoT), Mobile UX, Rapid Prototyping, Data Visualization, Mobile App Design, MVP Design, Mobile Design, Personas, Journey Mapping, Prototyping, Wireframing, User Flows, Information Architecture (IA), User Experience (UX), UX Design, Web Design, Adobe After Effects, POP, Sketch, Adobe InDesign, Adobe Illustrator, Axure RP Pro, iOS, Android, Web App UX, Cross-platform UX, Product Design, Healthcare, UX Research, UI Design, Conversational UX, Storytelling, User Interface (UI), Interviewing, User Interviews, Content Creation, Copywriting, Accessibility, Web App UI, Web App Design, Applications, Logo Design, User Journeys, User Journey Maps, IA Strategy, User Research, B2B, Workshop Facilitation, Ideation Workshops, UX Workshops, UX Strategy, Interaction Design (IxD), Cognitive Psychology, Digital Product Design, Usability Testing, High-fidelity Mockups, High-fidelity Prototypes, Human-centered Design (HCD), Human Interface Design, Mobile UI, Mobile Apps, Human Factors, Customer Research, Concept Development, Conversational Interfaces


2010 - 2013
User Intelligence
  • Provided strategic and tactical design on 65 digital projects for 22 clients.
  • Developed six sales pitches, nine blog posts, four conference talks, and two workshops.
  • 与包括飞利浦在内的各种客户合作, Volvo, TribalDDB, KLM, KPN, Gucci, Beeline, and Elsevier.
  • Designed a mobile app for GeoIQ to assist first-responder rescue units in disaster scenarios.
  • Created a new omnichannel digital experience strategy for a large consumer electronics company.
技术:最小可行产品(MVP), Behavioral Design, Internet of Things (IoT), Mobile UX, Rapid Prototyping, Data Visualization, Mobile App Design, MVP Design, Mobile Design, Personas, Journey Mapping, Prototyping, Wireframing, User Flows, Information Architecture (IA), User Experience (UX), UX Design, Web Design, Adobe Fireworks, Adobe InDesign, Microsoft Visio, Adobe Illustrator, OmniGraffle, Axure RP Pro, iOS, Android, Web App UX, Cross-platform UX, Product Design, Healthcare, UX Research, Conversational UX, Storytelling, User Interface (UI), Interviewing, User Interviews, Web App UI, Web App Design, Applications, User Journeys, User Journey Maps, IA Strategy, User Research, Workshop Facilitation, Ideation Workshops, UX Workshops, UX Strategy, Interaction Design (IxD), Cognitive Psychology, Digital Product Design, Usability Testing, High-fidelity Mockups, High-fidelity Prototypes, Human-centered Design (HCD), Human Interface Design, Mobile UI, Mobile Apps, Human Factors, Customer Research, Concept Development, Conversational Interfaces

User Experience Designer (Remote)

2009 - 2010
MetaLab, Ltd.
  • Designed the MVP of Bsmrt, a mobile learning service for young people in South Africa.
  • 撰写和手工编写五个教育和娱乐模块.
  • Conducted UX research on Bsmrt from the study design to analysis and reporting.
  • 促进与主要利益相关者的战略研讨会.
  • 定义并记录用户体验设计、研究和质量保证过程.
Technologies: Mobile UX, Rapid Prototyping, Data Visualization, Mobile Design, Personas, Journey Mapping, Prototyping, Wireframing, User Flows, Information Architecture (IA), User Experience (UX), UX Design, Web Design, SPSS, Adobe Dreamweaver, Adobe Photoshop, MVP Design, Product Design, Minimum Viable Product (MVP), UX Research, UI Design, Conversational UX, User Interface (UI), Interviewing, User Interviews, Applications, IA Strategy, User Research, Mobile App Design, Interaction Design (IxD), Cognitive Psychology, Digital Product Design, Usability Testing, High-fidelity Mockups, High-fidelity Prototypes, Human-centered Design (HCD), Human Interface Design, Mobile UI, Mobile Apps, Human Factors, Customer Research, Concept Development, Conversational Interfaces

Web and Visual Designer

2002 - 2009
Freelance Work
  • 为三个客户设计并编写了十个符合标准的网站.
  • 在5个月内为一个客户增加了3900%的月访问量.
  • Created a new main brand and eight new sub-brands for a food and beverage services company in Germany.
  • 策划和执行超过30个印刷、户外和在线营销活动.
  • Crafted the interior design for two cocktail lounges, each with a different theme.
Technologies: CSS, Data Visualization, Wireframing, Information Architecture (IA), User Experience (UX), UX Design, Web Design, Flash, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Dreamweaver, JavaScript, HTML, Cross-platform UX, Product Design, UX Research, UI Design, User Interface (UI), Interviewing, User Interviews, Logo Design, IA Strategy, UX Strategy, Interaction Design (IxD), Cognitive Psychology, Digital Product Design, Human-centered Design (HCD), Human Interface Design, Mobile Apps, Customer Research, Concept Development, Conversational Interfaces
2007 - 2009



2005 - 2006



2002 - 2005




Certified Professional for Usability and User Experience — Foundation Level (CPUX-F)



Certified in Distributed Management

Remote-how Academy

JUNE 2016 - JUNE 2017

SAFe Agilist (SA)

Scaled Agile, Inc.

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